three stages of the spiritual life

Since the Fall of Adam and Eve to the present day, human beings have had a darkened vision of world, of reality, of the truth, and of God. Our prayer life starts to get harder, sometimes among other things too. In this stage it is often difficult to overcome daily temptations, and practicing the virtues can require an inner battle because of attachment to venial sin. The spiritual life is not a template; it is a process meant to change our lives. Human beings, made in image and likeness of God, should have given us a glimpse of the divine each time we looked at our neighbor, our husbands and wives, our parents and children. | R. Jared Staudt, PhD, The Lost Riches of Catholic Catechisms with Aaron Seng of Tradivox, The Catholic Faith in Public Life After the 2020 Election with Derek Rotty. Then, grace enters his heart. Deep within the river of tradition, shared by both the Eastern and Western Churches, the spiritual life lived in Christ has three stages of progress: the purification of the heart, divine illumination, and union with God. This book is an explanation of the philosophy and theology of the spiritual life. Father Reginald Garrigoue-Lagrange gathered this information from various Saints and wrote a 2 Volume masterpiece titled, The Three Ages of Interior Life . *St. Theophan the Recluse is a Russian Orthodox saint of the 19th century. There are stages in the spiritual life that move us from one level to another. Therefore, this is a very important aspect, because one cannot speak of the spiritual life and of the following stages – contemplation of God, first indirect and then immediate – … proposed division of the three stages of the spiritual life. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). 2. This helps us to mature and to especially grow in perseverance and fidelity to our faith. Only then do we taste heaven, and participate in the divine life of God; only then are we fully united to God and one another in the communion of saints. When the state of a person’s heart and whole life is one of perfect love, they actually taste heaven in this life. In other words, a man afflicted with the passion of greed will view his time and his energy, his neighbor and his skills, as nothing more than means to acquire wealth. It is in the latter sense we have to understand the word state in this article, and, according to the various classes of souls who aspire to perfection in this life, The Fathers and theologians distinguish three stages or states of perfection. As a child of seven he was taken captive during a raid, to be sold first to an Arab, and then to a Christian in the region of mount Qardu (north Iraq). The three periods of the spiritual life. How can one become a saint without knowing the way -- the pitfalls; common mistakes; and experience of Saints who have gone before. Foreword: Sick, and You Cared for Me. The Illuminative Way (Fr. Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive. If a beginner concerns himself seriously with repenting of his sins and has an actionable desire to stop offending God, he may eventually move to the Illuminative Way. Charles Pope On the Purgative, Illuminative and Unitive Stages of Spiritual Life, as seen in a Cartoon In the spiritual journey, there are generally denoted three basic stages through which the soul must pass that draws us to deeper union with God: the Purgative, the Illuminative and the Unitive. In the Greek tradition, the word for these habitual sins is “passion(s).” When a sinful passion has its root in the heart, a man is moved every which way toward greed, envy, anger, lust and pride. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. … Garrigou-Lagrange; sets forth the classic Catholic traditions on the spiritual life as the full flowering of Sanctifying Grace in the soul. In this illuminating Bible study, Dr. Brant Pitre looks at the spiritual life of Saint Peter through the lens of the three traditional stages or 'ages' of the spiritual life: • The Purgative Way. These are the states of beginners, the state of progress, and the state of the perfect. For you to grow in holiness and be a saint, you don’t need to do extraordinary things. Reginald Garrigou-. The Three Spiritual Ways The classical purgative, illuminative, and unitive ways in Christian spirituality. The first is compliance. And so, with clouded vision we look at one another, tarnished likenesses of God. The three stages of awakening normally should not be understood to follow in a rigid, logical order. illuminative way- You can probably look back to times in your life where you can remember making great progress on your spiritual journey, and other times when you have felt like you were moving backwards. The man will see the reality and dignity of a woman made in the image and likeness of God, with all her glory and honor. © 2013 - 2018 & Catholics Come Home, Inc. This article defines the meaning of this phrase in its historical development and present-day usage. Or, he will look at the praise given to his neighbor for a good and honorable work and immediately find fault. this is the final stage of Christian perfection. For example, if a greedy man sees gold, he will immediately see it as an opportunity to hoard, or to trade for something that will give greater pleasure. Three stages to the spiritual life. The human heart is plagued with sin, habits of sin, that begin in our youth and torment us to... Divine Illumination. Really, any man or woman in an occupation that needs an objective view of its field ought to be engaged in the purification of their own heart. Now, what’s the point of all this? A beautiful analogy that I have heard to explain this stage of the spiritual life is this: a blacksmith, when he holds a piece of iron in the furnace, the iron becomes hot and red, it takes on the properties of the fire, yet the iron remains iron. He seems unable or unwilling to be unmoved by the stimuli of daily life. The ordinary work of God in our spiritual lives is to bring us from one stage to another in succession. All rights reserved. “God is love” as the Apostle John writes, and so men and women who experience this stage are made perfect in love (1 John 4:8). This site is meant to help you in the process of conversion. The Three Stages of the Spiritual Life 3. During our lives, we may experience tastes of each of the stages in greater or lesser degree as we grow in holiness or experience setbacks. The image that God has impressed in human beings, the crown of creation, has been disfigured and corrupted by sin. So, today we are going to discuss the 3 stages of Spiritual Life as described by many Saints and Doctors of the Church either in their personal journals or diaries. each stage _____ a stage in one's life. The Three Life-long Stages of Spiritual Development Posted by John Cameron King | May 27, 2017 | Intimacy: Being God's Friend | 0 | This evening as I was reflecting on Psalm 100, particularly verses 4 and 5, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his … The second stage of the spiritual life helps us get past self-love. He realizes that his entire life, in the pursuit of sin, has been a life of vanity and catching after wind. And those who seek union with God must realize that such union, while always the gift of God, requires process, often painful, that must pave the way the way for that union. This little essay will examine echoes of this spiritual journey in the life of St. Peter with an application to us. proposed division of the three stages of the spiritual life. The Greek word for this stage is “theoria,” related to “vision,” and our modern, specific word, “theory”. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2017 with a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) These passions take such deep root in the human heart that sinful thoughts, words and actions become a second nature, a fallen nature. 1. In this stage, the soul loves God and others without limit. We have misunderstood the meaning of human life, our role in the created order and our origins. The seven steps or stages roughly correspond to seven spiritual … In my opinion, the ability to see the world, our neighbor, and God with clarity of vision is an essential aspect of being a good scientist. These three levels are not necessarily static or chronological. These are called in Greek: catharsis, theoria, and theosis. He explains the three stages of the spiritual life-the Purgative Way; the Illuminative Way; and the Unitive Way-showing the transitions or conversions from one period to another. The first age is the “Purgative Way,” where we in prayer identify our sins against God and repent of them. We’ve had a deep interest in the spiritual journey for more than three decades. degree. Deep within the river of tradition, shared by both the Eastern and Western Churches, the spiritual life lived in Christ has three stages of progress: the purification of the heart, divine illumination, and union with God. mirrors. Though, He also gives us tastes of states beyond our current stage in His infinite love and wisdom. The basic idea of the three stages of the spiritual life is drawn from St. John of the Cross’s classic, The Dark Night., How Can Beauty & Culture Save the World? this is the intermediary stage between purification and total union with God. Lagrange developed his masterpiece The Three Ages of the Interior Life based on the book of St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul, and the life of St.Peter. One stage flows into another, but all three can develop simultaneously. In this illuminating Bible study, Dr. Brant Pitre looks at the spiritual life of Saint Peter through the lens of the three traditional stages or 'ages' of the spiritual life: • The Purgative Way. Dec 15, 2014 The spiritual life is not a template; it is a process meant to change our lives. the transition from one stage to another in the spiritual life. three stages of the spiritual life. It is as if the clouds that darkened his vision begin to part, the light shines through and he sees himself, the world, his neighbor and God more clearly. Three stages to the spiritual life. 112 pgs; PB What we actually observe is the life as lived by Elder Sophrony. He graduated from Sts. The following will describe each of these three stages. two darknights the soul experiences. The Three Ages of the Interior Life [Garrigou-Lagrange, Rev Reginald] on • The Illuminative Way. It is also about making improvements—growing in the virtues of humility, temperance, zeal, love, and so on. The Illuminative Way is the intermediary stage between “purification” and … provides a roadmap for our struggle and quest, we enter into communion with Him. There are stages in the spiritual life that move us from one level to another. Conversion is a process. Three Stages of the Spiritual Life. the problem of the three stages of the spiritual life in ascetical and mystical theology index introduction statement of the problem. The first is compliance. May we continue to grow in the spiritual life, with love and prayer, humility and self-control. expressed as such for the sake of explaining the indescribable. A soul in the unitive state has a constant awareness of God’s presence and habitually conforms to God’s will. mirrors 21-death; spiritual adulthood. And so, our sins and our habitual wicked thoughts, words and actions, poured forth from a fallen heart, must be purified and made clean. Dark Night of the Senses and Dark Night of the Spirit. Author’s note: Three webinars were presented through God With Us Online, an initiative of the ECED, who provide catechetical formation for many of the Eastern Catholic Churches. the transition from one stage to another in the spiritual life. The Three Stages of Spiritual Life Joseph the Visionary, An Introduction JOSEPH HAZZAYA, or the Visionary, was born into a Zoroastrian family some time around 710. The illumined man will see gold as an opportunity to decorate and beautify God’s house or as an opportunity to feed and clothe the poor. In the future, I will present some reflections on the Eight Vices according to St. John Cassian. In the case of Saint Paul, the awakening to the second and third stage was by a kind of violence. Another example: if a lustful man sees a beautiful woman, he will desire her in his heart, maybe even seek to use her for his own visual or physical pleasure, as an object for himself. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve to the present day, human beings have had a darkened vision of world, of reality, of the truth, of God. mirrors 14- early 20's; spiritual adolescence. The human heart is plagued with sin, habits of sin, that begin in our youth and torment us to the grave. This map of the path to wholeness is the result of extensive research and understanding of the human energy system, along with a wide range of experience with ourselves, our clients, and students. In the spiritual journey, there are generally denoted three basic stages through which the soul must pass that draws us to deeper union with God: the Purgative, the Illuminative and the Unitive. the problem of the three stages of the spiritual life in ascetical and mystical theology index introduction statement of the problem. The Three Stages of Spiritual Life Joseph the Visionary, An Introduction JOSEPH HAZZAYA, or the Visionary, was born into a Zoroastrian family some time around 710. Now begins the work of repentance, throwing off the fetters that kept him from communion with the divine, loosing himself from the world wide web of passions. He is tangled in a web of his own passions (passions hardened into his heart over many years), and he is tangled in the web of the passions of everyone throughout the whole world. Deacon Thomas lives in Manchester, New Hampshire with his wife and baby. Impressed by the example of some • … Three Stages of the Spiritual Life Purification of the Heart. Purification of the Heart. The heart must be pure in order for the eye of mind to look upon the world, our neighbor, and our Creator in the fullness of their truth. this is the state of beginners. As the sinner engages in the necessary work, with God’s help, to purify his heart from sin, the passions slowly over time begin to lose their grip over his heart. Over time, we recognized seven stages of spiritual development we all pass through along the way. by Msgr. Each “way” or state represents an advancement toward sanctity—perfection—and total union with God. Then I will present some helpful aids to bring about, over time, the purification of the heart. The Three Ways of the Spiritual Life. The first age is the “Purgative Way,” where we in prayer identify our sins against God and repent of them. Fr. Impressed by the example of some The goal of this first stage or age – which is that of infancy or childhood – is to attain, with God’s grace, purity of heart. So, today we are going to discuss the 3 stages of Spiritual Life as described by many Saints and Doctors of the Church either in their personal journals or diaries. Of the purgative way, proper to beginners, in which he treats of the active purification of the external and internal senses, the passions, the ... 2. If a man is illuminated, he can look at morally neutral objects in the world and see them as they really are, or as God intends them to be seen. So, I would argue, that a scientist, if he or she is to fulfill their vocation, ought to be engaged in the labor of purifying their own heart from the passions. Likewise, a man afflicted by the passion of envy will look at every material, social and moral success of his neighbor with disdain. Once her heart is pure and free from the passions, it peers into depths of the Creator and His created order. When the heart becomes pure, one can see, through meditation and contemplation, the reality of her inner life, the world around her, and God Himself. If such is the life of grace, if such is the spiritual organism of the infused virtues and the gifts, it is not surprising to find that the development of the interior life has often been compared to the three periods or stages of physical life: childhood, youth, and manhood. Unitive Way: this is the final stage of Christian perfection. God seeks to purify us of this self-love by taking away some of the sensible pleasures He has given us. The spiritual classic The Three Ages of the Interior Life by Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Father Reginald Garrigoue-Lagrange gathered this information from various Saints and wrote a 2 Volume masterpiece titled, The Three Ages of Interior Life . When attending Mass or the Divine Liturgy, her mind penetrates into the mysteries of the Sacraments and the power and the meaning of the prayers and the rituals. | 07-22. Vision fulfillment is sweet, but the joys of success doesn’t last … The stages of purification, illumination and theoria are. The part of the human heart that perceives the world no longer distorts and twists everything it sees, hears, touches, and thinks about. These are called in Greek: catharsis, theoria, and theosis. In order to separate the human heart from the passions, the process of purification begins with what St. Theophan the Recluse* calls, a “grace-filled awakening.” The sinner walks through life in a spiritual slumber, unaware of the dangerous reality of his wicked life. There are stages in the spiritual life that move us from one level to another. The first three are primarily external; the last three primarily internal–though of course, there are deep interior moves in the first three more external stages, and there are serious engagements with the outer world in the last three more internal stages. One way of looking at the spiritual journey is to view it as a journey of six stages. In this stage, there is enlightenment in the ways of God and a clear understanding of his will in one’s life. He no longer sees the world as a means to fulfill his own passions. After the Earthquake, the Spirit of Trut h The First Stage He First Loved Us 4.Longing to See the Lord 5.Seeking Greater Things 6.Knowing the Gift of God 7.Entering Into a Covenant with God The Second Stage The God of Glory Thundereth 8.Man Comes to Himself 9.An Invitation to Overcome Death a. Finally, the third stage is called in Greek, “theosis.” I personally am not sure what this stage looks like or how it is experienced, but I do believe that many of the saints in the Church have experienced this stage of union with God in this life. The human heart is plagued with sin, habits of sin, that begin in our youth … The Ten Commandments dominate in this phase. But what are these stages? Conversion isn’t just about avoiding sins. With it The Friendship with God Phase. The following will describe each of these three stages. He will see every opportunity to increase his wealth while neglecting every opportunity to love his family, or the poor, or the Lord. The Ten Commandments dominate in this phase. purgative way-mirrors ages 1-14; spiritual childhood. Peter’s progress began when Jesus caused the first miraculous catch of fish. Everyone is called to ongoing conversion. When the heart becomes pure, one can see, through meditation and contemplation, the reality of her... Union with God. But, if an illumined man sees the same beautiful woman, he will give glory to God for His masterful hand in creation. A sword pierces his inner life. Purgative way-. We have misunderstood the meaning of human life, our role in the created order, and our origins. A soul in the unitive state has a constant … © Copyright 2020 Catholic Exchange. The Advent Mysteries of Annunciation & Incarnation. • The Three Stages of the Spiritual Life: Catholic theology teaches about three stages in the spiritual life: (1) the Purgative Way, (2) the Illuminative Way, and (3) the Unitive Way. Our process of conversion to Christ is a journey that takes place over the course of a lifetime. unitive way-. Likewise, when the heart is purified from the passions, and life is spent peering into the mysteries of God and the world, and the person grows toward perfect love, he or she is like the iron placed in the furnace, becoming like God, yet remaining human. Will describe each of these three stages of spiritual development we all pass through along Way! Work of God ’ s presence and habitually conforms to God for own! Among other things too as lived by Elder Sophrony provides a roadmap our. Identify our sins against God and others without limit the point of this. Theophan the Recluse is a process meant to change our lives and dark Night of the three stages of problem. Youth and torment us to... Divine Illumination this self-love by taking away some of the Creator and whole! 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